Wednesday 20 September 2017

Science of CyberSecurity: Where to get CyberSecurity Science

As part of a profile interview for Science of Cybersecurity I was asked five questions on cyber security last week, here's question 3 of 5.

Q. Where do you go to find your “science” of cybersecurity?
While cyber security controls appear simple to follow in policy statements and best practice guides, the reality is they are not always easy to implement across diverse organisations. When attempting to resolve complex security problems it can be easy for security professionals to lose sight of the goal of cyber security. To keep clarity, I think it helps to strips away the technology from the problem, and learn the security science and lessons from history.  So reading military strategy books like Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” can improve how you think about and assess the cyber adversaries facing the organisation. Delving into the science of psychology is invaluable when seeking to bring about effective and positive staff security awareness and behavioural changes in the workplace.

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